Everywhere in Germany, but also in Denmark, Belgium and the Netherlands, we can now find natural, beautiful trout waters with attractive service, friendly operators and great fish. In addition to the obligatory rainbow trout, wonderful salmon trout up to 12 kg, brown trout, golden trout, char and the resulting crosses to blue, leopard and tiger trout are stocked. In addition, the disciple of St. Peter has the opportunity to catch the fish of his life. Some ponds in the Republic are home to gigantic sturgeons, huge catfish, powerful carp and huge eels.
The angler encounters an exciting mixed stock, which has contributed to trout lakes triggering a real boom. Most of us have certainly experienced our first attempts at fishing on such a “Put & Take” system and we still introduce our children and grandchildren to our beautiful hobby here today.
Even if the fish don't jump into your landing net on their own, we can still hope for a quick catch, which not least inspires our offspring.
- Weight (g): 6th, 4th, 3rd, 5, 2,0
- Weight (g): 4th, 3rd, 5, 2,0, 1,0
- Replacement coil: no
- ball-bearing: 5+1
- crank: Single crank
- Color: Red
- Diameter (mm): 0.18
- Length (m): 250
- Replacement coil: no
- ball-bearing: 7+1
- crank: Single crank
- Replacement coil: no
- ball-bearing: 7+1
- Size: 3000
- Color: Yellow
- Diving depth (group): floating
- Length (cm): 2.5
- Length (cm): 0.7
- Additional property: cheese flavor
- variety: Garlic
- Content (ml): 100
- variety: blood
- Content (ml): 100