3,37 EUR*
% 3,45 EUR* (2.32% salvat)
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Clipuri de momeală L
Top Baitclips!
Baitclips are suitable for attaching bait fish, leeches and worms to the hair, directly in front of the single hook or treble hook. Pur și simplu treceți clema de pe păr și treceți pe clemă peștii de momeală, lipitorii și viermii.
Detalii despre produs:< /strong>
- Size: L
- FAST BAIT ASSEMBLY: Bait like worms,
leeches and fish can be raised quickly
- BETTER LURE PLAY: Higher attraction in the water due to better movement of the fishing lure in front of the hook
- HIGH BITES: A freely hanging fishing lure on the hair ensures a better hook effect in the fish's mouth.
- EASIER LURE CHANGE: Fishing lures are simply pulled onto the tip of the clip.